Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I find this a challanging game after going through all thirty-five levels once I am now going back over the levels that I did not get star ratings on to try and complete each level with a blue ribbon/gold star rating. I bought the game about two weeks ago and have been unable to put it down since then.

The graphicsa are great and the number of levels can keep one busy for hours if you like Sims, or tycoon type games.

I found this game on Real Arcade . The good thing about the gaming site is you can become a member and be able to get one game a month at a lower price than a game costs. They also give a five dollar discount for any other games bought throughout the rest of the month. For me it saves money because I am known to buy a game or so a month to my husbands chagrin.

I am addicted to computer gaming!

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